How to Discover your Spirit Animal

discover your spirit animal

Spirit Animals are believed to hold a particular skill, trait or wisdom that we are supposed to learn or acquire on our earthly journey.

While many cultures believe in the idea of spirit animals, Shamanism is one of the main cultures that use spirit animals in order to enhance spiritual growth and development. They believe that animals hold special wisdom that we can learn from.

We are all connected to everything on this earth, however sometimes we can feel a strong bond or an affinity to a particular animal. By tuning in to this connection, you can learn to develop a relationship with your spirit animal and receive guidance from them.

Want to find your spirit animal? Here are a few suggestions:

#1 You don’t choose your spirit animal, it chooses you

Spirit animals often present themselves to you when you begin a new journey or chapter in life. Our spirit animals can change depending on what is going on in life however, it is not unusual to have one spirit animal that keeps turning up at different times in your life.

#2 Ask and it is given

Asking for your spirit animal to present itself to you can also be very beneficial. Spending time in nature and observing animals and their behaviour can also help draw you closer to the answer. When an animal does show up in your life, be attentive as to how you feel or what it could be trying to communicate- don’t force it. The more you “seek” the connection the less likely you will be open to receiving it.

#3 Meditation or Shamanic Journeying 

Meditation is a great way to connect with your spirit animal. In the Shamanic cultures, it is very common to do a Shamanic journeying ritual which can also help direct you towards your spirit animal. No matter what style of meditation you choose to do, simply set your intention and remain open to see what unfolds.

#4 Dream Time

Animals often turn up in our dreams as subconscious manifestations of energy which could very well point you in the direction of your spirit animal. Pay attention to your dreams and see if any particular animals present themselves to you. Remember, sometimes your spirit animal could be an animal that you are afraid of too.

#5 Animal Wisdom

Animals can hold different symbols in society and culturally. Sometimes this can also provide a clue as to what animal may be your guide. According to Shamanic culture here are a few examples of animal wisdom and how they guide you-

spirit animal jaguar

Jaguar: sees direction within chaos, has psychic insight, empowers self and moves without fear.

Orca spiritual animal

Orca: frees the soul from the physical body, soul memory, can see the unseen, uses vibrational energy or song to heal.

Crow: honors ancestors, supports ethical behavior, moves freely, carries souls from darkness into the light.

Crow: honors ancestors, supports ethical behavior, moves freely, carries souls from darkness into the light.

Mountain Lion/Cougar: ego-free, uses power wisely, gaining self confidence, freedom of guilt.

Mountain Lion/Cougar: ego-free, uses power wisely, gaining self confidence, freedom of guilt.

Wolf: death and rebirth, ability to pass the unseen, taking advantage of change, spirit teaching.

Wolf: death and rebirth, ability to pass the unseen, taking advantage of change, spirit teaching.

Which one resonates with you?

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About the author


Tanaaz is the creator of Forever Conscious. She is an intuitive astrologer and aims to use her writing to heal and inspire. She is also the author of several books including the Power of Positive Energy, Messages for the Soul, and My Pocket Mantras. She also runs online courses and in-person retreats.